Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. The Immortals  The Immortals - The Outworld P  b 
 2. The Immortals  The Immortals - The Outworld P  b 
 3. Frost Like Ashes  Immortals  Deadzine Exclusive Online Rele   
 4. Frost Like Ashes  Immortals  Born to Pieces   
 5. Tyler Bates  Immortals Battle  300 - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack  
 6. Tyler Bates  Immortals Battle  300  
 7. Pu Sung-ling, translated by Herbert Allen Giles  10 - Joining the Immortals  A selection from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, volume 1 
 8. Pu Sung-ling, translated by Herbert Allen Giles  10 - Joining the Immortals  A selection from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, volume 1 
 9. TriHorn Productions  Power of Immortals  Fantasy Wars 
 10. TriHorn Productions  Power of Immortals  Fantasy Wars 
 11. Brand X Music  BXM002 02 The Immortals  Drama Compilation Disc 2 
 12. Brand X Music  BXM002 03 The Immortals (no hi  Drama Compilation Disc 2 
 13. Tyler Bates  300 Soundtrack - 16 - Immortals Battle   
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